As I said I would post a rough draft of the prologue to my book. Hopefully you enjoy it.
This happens 3000 years before the main plot
Mainland- Tirion (Teer- EE- On)
Creature- Tipon (Type- ON)
Beogres- A mix between a troll, giant and an ogre from the north (Bay-Og-Rez)
Hell- Charan (Ka-Rawn)
Demon King-Prrtag (Purr- Tawg)
His feet pounded the earth beneath him. The grass was as green as an emerald since it was mid-summer. Aside from pounding of feet, all he could hear were the tweets of birds up above. Everything seemed so peaceful and so tranquil. He knew this was not to last for he was marching to war. Jorgul was marching to a battle with a large force of Tipon. Tipon were large beats with one mission set in their minds from birth. The destruction of all living things in the world, even themselves once their mission was accomplished. A massive Demon King named Prrtag created them. This Demon King was slain by a paladin of Taben fifty years prior but his abominations remained to wage war with everything alive. Jorgul was an Orc, which was one of the most hated creatures in all of Tirion but in this war even the most hated became allies. This war was coming to an end for there was only a single Tipon fortress left but it was the very place where they were created so long ago. Jorgul scratched his head from under his black helmet wondering if his group was the suicide run or the main force for both offensive forces stretched for miles. The great force knew that they would win this battle but the question they all had was at what cost to their own army. Would it come down to the last man or would only a couple score falling under the poison swords of the Tipon?
The army soon became more aware and alert as the plant life started to die and the animals stopped making their woodland sounds. They eventually realized they were close as the plant life just suddenly came to a halt and all that was around them was a barren wasteland. Not even the ground was alive for it had been scorched to a black crisp. This ensured no living thing could ever come back to this place after the Tipon, victorious or not, have been wiped out. The army saw the fortress coming into their sights and saw no major battle before them and that was when it hit them… this was the suicide force. The men started panicking and losing their nerve as soon as they realized this … almost all of them began to shift backwards, even the bravest of Trolls. They pressed on reluctantly anyways hoping that the main force would arrive before their lives were taken. They were now three bow shots away from the stronghold. The question of how well this battle would go still hovered in all of the soldiers’ minds. The very next step they took gave them their answer. Fire leapt from the ground, arrows flew out from nowhere and Tipon started rising from cracks in the ground. This brought great fear to the army but they knew that if they ran they would meet the same fate they would if they pressed on. Jorgul took out his double hatchets and yelled to his battalion, “ Press on through the flames you cowards! Fight for the beautiful land you call home! Let that be your motivation for this fight!” The men charged through the flames unscathed. Just as Jorgul suspected, the fire was only an illusion to weaken the Tipon’s enemy’s spirits. More Tipon rose from the great crevices in the ground and attacked Jorgul’s troop. They were giant, muscular horned beasts with eyes as yellow as the sun.
At last, contact was made with Jorgul’s troop and the Tipon force. The Tipon, as usual, handled their poisoned scimitars. This time though Jorgul was taken by surprise for there were also larger Tipon bearing poisoned flails and poisoned adamantine bow and arrows. Ten of Jorgul’s men were cut down from one of the giant Tipon and his flail. Jorgul rushed up and drew a black dagger from his side and threw it straight at the head of the beast, and then slashed heavily with his twin hatchets as soon as he got close enough. The Tipon raised his flail to strike and Jorgul knew that if he blocked he would surely be flown to the other side of the battle from the sheer strength of the grotesque creature. So instead he ducked down and right after jumped up and made a double uppercut with his hatchets starting at the beasts chest. The Tipon stumbled back and howled as orange blood poured from the wound. While his enemy was caught off his guard Jorgul jumped up and slashed at the beast’s neck and sure enough the beast fell and died where he, moments before, stood.
Jorgul looked around him and saw his men fighting fiercely showing similar results across the field. He smiled as he felt as though they would utterly destroy the Tipon. Not a second later, he heard a crash. He looked to the far right of the field and saw a gaping hole in the line where a ballista had crashed. The reason it made such an impact was because these ballistae held an explosive concoction inside with two giant flail bearing Tipon ready to spring into battle. Jorgul yelled across the field, “Men watch out for those ballistae! Try and keep away from their blasting area or surely you will meet your ancestors sooner than once thought!” After saying his orders he met two Tipon with poisoned scimitars in one hand and a great shield in the other. He took his hatchet and slashed above him and the other hatchet slashing below him just narrowly deflecting both swords. He twisted his two hatchets out of the lock and quickly ended the life of a Tipon coming behind him. Jorgul then threw a fire potion at the two Tipon. This exploded straight in the middle of the two startled creatures burning them alive. Again Jorgul looked across and realized the tide had stayed the same even though there were major holes in the line everywhere from these great ballistae. The main line of the Tipon had been wiped out almost completely and the soldiers started running and hooting war cries. Suddenly, all hell broke loose as four hundred men from behind were disintegrated in an instant. Jorgul looked ahead to see a new line of Tipon about one bow shotfrom the feet of the fortress, which seemed to be entirely compiled of destruction sorcerers. Lines disappeared every couple minutes as the soldiers ran through traps such as wraith pits to get to these destruction mages. These pits were literally pits with a score of wraith ready to feast on any who were unlucky enough to fall in. As they got closer the Tipon loosed their arrows from the walls of the fortress and catapults and ballistae fired upon the attackers. Jorgul looked around yet again and saw many of his team fall into a giant wraith pit and as he ran by he heard their dying screams. This infuriated Jorgul’s troop to a maximum and they ran even faster through traps and enemy fire. As the great army reached the destruction mages a small line of Tipon swordsmen came out slashing and howling trying to protect the devastating mages from harm as long as they could.
The army’s number now dwindled and could not take much more. Jorgul’s troop of one thousand now numbered only one hundred fifty including himself. The force quickly decimated the line of swordsmen but they had down their job as another 400 men disappeared off the face of the earth leaving their clothes in the wind. The mages saw the coming threat and drew their wands and started aiming fireballs at the upcoming host. Jorgul saw out of the side of his eye one of his lieutenants set on fire and while trying to put himself out fall straight into a wraith pit. Jorgul ran up to a mage and started hacking and slashing at it but the Tipon had physical wards placed around itself that acted as a suit of armour. The Tipon drew a dagger and slashed at Jorgul knocking him in the side. He felt the poison rushing up through his veins and cringed as is edged closer to his heart. Jorgul fought on slashing more fiercely at the Tipon as his adrenaline fought off the deadly poison. This surprised the Tipon and his wards were weaker now his guard was down. Jorgul slashed with his hatchet and felt as if glass shattered with that hit. He knew this meant the wards were gone and it was time for him to be finished with the grotesque creature. He slashed up destroying the wand the creature put up in defence and it released all the magical energy stored inside right in the creatures face. He looked around most of the mages were dead or about to be. He panted and leaned against the wall where he knew the archers or artillery couldn’t reach him. He saw nothing but a few small contingents of men left and after a rough count he felt there was about two thousand left from the thirty thousand strong fighting force.
When all hope of their lives seemed lost he heard a distant sound. He looked down to the end of the valley and realized he was hearing drums. These drums were the drums of the second wave. This was the wave that could end this massacre. He saw men in white armour riding down quickly, mages destroying all openings to the wraith pits, Griffins flying downwards to the field with rocks in hand, and even a few shape shifters running down as massive Mountain Beogres. He wondered why his army was so weak compared to theirs in the manner of the creatures fighting in it. The only useful creatures they had were trolls, the rest of the creatures in the massive fray were orcs, goblins, new human recruits, and a few elven archers. Jorgul looked to the side and saw the small force that he had left all huddled against the wall as well. Apparently he was the only commander worthy left so he took up charge. He raised his hatchet and shouted, “We are not done here yet! So why are you maggots sitting here cowering up against a wall! Pick up your weapons and lets break this gate before our friends get here and if we die in the process know that you will die destroying the biggest threat this land has ever known!” His army still unnerved at the amount of creatures left to fight grudgingly agreed and started making torches to throw at the gate made of dead wood. Jorgul jeered as the fires started, “This will teach them to kill everything that they touch with their damned hands!” Eventually the fire started to spread and they could hear the screams of the Tipon from the other side but the thing that bothered the soldiers is how the Tipon were already retreating.
One field captain took a look into the gate and saw nothing and motioned for the soldiers to advance into the dark fortress. As they moved in they realized there was not one Tipon left. The soldiers started to hear the pounding footsteps of the reinforcement army behind them and so they quickened their pace a little bit to the square so they would gain more prestige from the generals at the head of this mission. As they reached the square Jorgul looked into the pass on the left of the square only to see the Tipon army holed up standing in formation. In front of them was one of the most frightening sights that had befallen Jorgul. It stood seven feet tall with a well-toned structure. It had a spiked armour plate all around its body. From every single seam and crack in this armour flames jutted out, even from the creature’s hand, down and around its magnificent sword. Wherever it took a step a flame jutted out of the earth and stayed there even without needing something to keep it alive. This creature was a hell knight, a minor demon in the ranking from Charan, but in Tirion it was one of the strongest demons you would ever see to have broken the chains that were set on it by the Gods so long ago. He looked straight at Jorgul and laughed, “Well…well…well… the pitiful army of the living world is here to put a stop to my master’s plan for this disgusting place. Even with the second wave of men you have coming here they will be obliterated.”
Jorgul winced at that but took in enough bravery to reply to this hellish demon, “What do you mean? We still have a great number here and with that force twice the larger of yours, you will stand no chance!”
“Are you really that foolish to think that you got here on your own accord? Pah! No you did not, we withdrew our troops very early so that, unlike you, we had the element of surprise!” At this the demon smiled a wicked grin and all of the sudden the screams of valour and victory changed into screams of fear and confusion. Jorgul looked back to see Tipon closing in the square from all directions, Tipon climbing the walls to archery positions and most horrifying of all, his dead comrades rising up and charging at the second wave.
Jorgul could just gape his mouth in awe as he saw this dreadful sight and after a quiet moment, which felt like a lifetime, the knight said, “What do you wish to say before you are sent to torment for all eternity?” Jorgul just looked at him after he recovered from his stupor and laughed. It was now the knight’s turn to be confused.
Jorgul eyed him and said, “I think I’d like to bring some company…” at that he ran up towards the knight while still caught up in his confusion hatchets drawn. With this random charge the rest of the first wave screamed and ran right towards the hell knight at full speed. At seeing this the Tipon looked to the hell knight wondering what they were to do but he just stared at the men charging wondering how could they be so brave. At last he reacted but it was too late for Jorgul and his men behind him had reached the front line of Tipon and just began cutting down the entire force with such speed and determination it rivalled even the skill of himself. At his command, the rest of the Tipon hesitantly started after the army who just took out more than one hundred of their kind in a matter of seconds.
The hell knight looked straight at Jorgul and yelled, “You will be the first to die by my sword!” At this he took a giant leap bringing himself in front of Jorgul in a second and a massive swipe that knocked back five of his comrades away from him. Jorgul didn’t even flinch bringing up his hatchets into a swing from either side at the knight. The knight smiled, leaped above the hatchets and kicked Jorgul straight back. Jorgul rose looking at the knight slowly approaching him then to the open door where the battle raged outside. The second wave was holding their own, but barely since it was now both the Tipon force and the undead army of those who died during the first wave. A couple of shape shifters made a pocket covering each other’s backs and swiping at anything that came near. A group of horsemen were trampling all of the undead soldiers while slicing down anything that was too strong to be taken down just by a horse with their gleaming swords.
He looked back just in time to see the hell knight swinging at him with his massive sword. Jorgul managed to just deflect it off with his hatchet but he could not believe the heat that was being brought from the sword alone. He worked his hatchets fast to try to push the knight back but this creature was just far too skilled and ended up driving him back instead. Jorgul looked over his shoulder to find a way out of this mess and saw a massive Tipon attacking one of the lieutenants. He hurried over to the fight and took the butt of one of his hatchets and smashed the back of the Tipon’s head with it and as the hell knight bore down on Jorgul the Tipon came around axe slashing the knight straight across the abdomen. Blood poured through the wound and the hell knight could only stare in pure amazement at the creature that had just completely and utterly defeated him without even scratching him with one of his hatchets. The knight tried to slash at Jorgul again, but the wound was killing him and he did not have the energy to match the orc’s speed. As Jorgul smacked away the flaming sword with his hatchets the hell knight looked straight up at Jorgul. The knight’s final words were gurgled but still understandable, “I’ll see you back at home fool…” With that the knight’s flames went out and his body went limp.
As soon as the knight died the Tipon looked around confused as if some vital connection was lost to them at that moment. This gave many of the men their chance to finish of the grotesque beasts in front of them. Every single one of the undead fell down into heaps on the ground and the Tipon marksmen lost basically all of their skill in aim. Jorgul watched as the entire Tipon army fell apart at their main and last fortress in Tirion.
An hour later Jorgul’s second officer came up beside him and whistled a sharp note, “Now how the hell did that happen? This army was destroying us and now there is barely a Tipon to be seen…” he said.
Jorgul looked at him and laughed and said, “You haven’t realized yet? The Tipon were always so skillful and intellectual because they had an unseen power guarding them. This time it was this hell knight supplying all of the power but only for this small branch for if he had to control more his magic would be exhausted.”
The officer screwed up his face at Jorgul and asked, “Then how the hell was there an entire empire of the goddamn things?”
Again Jorgul took in a great laughter at his friend’s lack of common sense, “This was only a hell knight, a minor demon by far, but the Demon King Prrtag had an unspeakable amount of power compared to even that knight slain today. When he was slain the armies of the Tipon were already scarce and so we didn’t really notice the shift in the power of their ranks. Now that the last thing holding them together is gone, the Tipon became just another common creature we need to fight every day.”
“I see… then wait… will things go back to the way they were? Since this war started we have gained so much knowledge and prestige! Will we lose it because of men, dwarves and elves not able to keep order with anything like always?”
Jorgul pondered that thought and shrugged, “There is no real way to tell whether or not it will happen but we must just live the life we have as it is.” After a long pause Jorgul looked back at his comrade and started to say, “It’s funny how-” but as he said that a straggling Tipon came up with a mace and crushed in his skull. The second officer watched this in horror and drew his sword, slashed the beast across its chest and the beast was dead.
He looked around for any more stragglers. When he was sure there were no more of the things left, he looked down at Jorgul’s crumpled form and said, “It is funny sir… how cruel this damned world truly can be.”
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