
Typing around

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Finding long lost Treasures in a Grain of Sand

In my writer's craft course I am currently taking in high school. We were asked to make a short story using our teacher's desired beginning and ending. She would also, randomly, write words on the board and proceeded to say that in our next sentence we needed to add in that particular word. After twenty minutes of writing, here is the result of such an exercise.

You would never have guessed what happened when I went to go beach combing the other day… I woke up at 6 a.m. as if it was any other day. Suddenly the phone next to my bed began ringing. I went over to the phone and said, “Hello? Who’s calling?”
“You know…” said the voice on the other line.
“No I don’t! You better tell me who this is right now or this conversation is over!”
“Take a look at the photograph beside your bed.” the voice replied again.
I looked behind myself at the desk where a photo of a couple sailing happily resided. This photo was one of my former wife and I. The only reason that she was former was because twenty years ago she was brutally murdered. As I was about to reply, my iPod from across the room began to sound off the song that was playing when I walked into our house to find my wife’s body. I should have taken that as a sign of the terrible day that was to come, but foolishly I did not. I went back to the phone and said with a stuttering voice, “Who the hell are you?”
“Go do what you usually do and you will know…” the voice said aggressively as the line cut out. I went over to grab some grubby clothing to put on, and did not bother to shower since I was extremely scared as to what was happening. I went over to my doorway, and hurriedly put on my bright blue shoes. When I walked out I realized I forgot to grab my keys, but thankfully I forgot to lock the door as well. I then opened the door and looked to the left where I found my keys on the shoe rack. I went down the street at a running pace, but was soon distracted by a McDonald’s. This was not because I was hungry, which was true at the time, but because there was a man in a black coat staring straight at me.
I went up to him and asked, “Are you the one who called me? And if so why go through this fuss?!”
He looked me deep in the eyes and said, “Yes…” he then proceeded to pull out a gun and say, “and to finish the job.”
That was the day I died and it was probably much more outlandish than most deaths you would hear about in your local newspaper… and I swear to you, that is exactly how it all went down.



These Books are meant for Eating:D

Books are for eating and eating is for books... wait.. that makes no sense.... but ya! As already stated I love to read and I love to read sooo much that I want to eat my books! The key word in that sentence is WANT! I'm not some huge fat monster coming to eat paper and covers! I just love the books I read so extremely fantastically much that they're something so good for me I need to eat them to survive...not literally of course. There are also books that NEED to be burned, blown up, rampaged on by gorillas, shot into space, and, for the purpose of this blog, eaten because they are so extremely terrible! My list will consist of six books since I had to include one extra to my original idea of five books, not that you would know that I planned that particular number.

1. The first book I would eat is probably the one I love the most. This book is also on the display picture of my blog. The Lost years of Merlin is such an amazing text (as are the rest of the series which consists of five books total) because of its way to bring someone into its genre. This was the first fantasy book I read and it turned out not to be the last. It's almost seamless transition from normal to mystical, it's new creatures with all of their strange qualities, and its choice of a hero is impeccable!

2. The second book I would eat would be another book I love! I would not eat this book for knowledge or for creative successes, I would eat it because of its amazing storytelling that immerses you so much into it that you feel as if you are watching a high budget movie such as The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. In fact I would love to eat the entire series, consisting of over 20 books (all of which I have read), because it is not the particular book it is just the author R.A. Salvatore. The book in question I would love to eat would be Homeland but the series it is a part of is called The Legend of Drizzt. This series goes on almost flawlessly throughout with highly descriptive action sequences and events of which all impact the story in a large way whether it be in short term or long term. Due to Salvatore's amazing storytelling skills I read all of this series within 6 months and only during work and an hour before bed every week.

3. My preference in genre, as you can probably note, is fantasy but you do not need to have over the top fantasy in order for it to be a great fantasy book. My next book is a great example of this. It mostly follows a medieval style war in the Middle Eastern setting but there is one bit of magic that it introduces, and that is a magic that is connected by your spirit and the element of nature's spirit you are trying to connect your magic to whether it be air, fire, rock, or water. Hilari Bell's concepts and amazing storylines in Fall of a Kingdom and the rest of the Farsala Trilogy are the farthest thing from cliche.

4. There is also one other form of fantasy. This form is historical fantasy and it is seen in the novel Arthur: The Seeing Stone. The series goes on through a life of a noble during the middle ages named Arthur. It uses so much history to make the characters flare into life and also uses the mythical story of King Arthur to create the fantasy aspect of the story. The Seeing Stone in the books is used to show the story of King Arthur and in so the book accomplished an amazing device especially since it was given by a man named Merlin who is the only person that is seen inside the stone that is from Arthur's real life.

5. Now for two books that are of the category of which need to be eaten since they are so terrible. The first book needs to be eaten because it completely changes an age old legend, but not for the better. Twilight takes the traditional vampire and turns it into a sparkling, loving creature instead of the bloodthirsty killing machines we are used to. It also, in later books, does this to werewolves. This book is the love of all preteens and of those who dislike the traditional telling of what a vampire is since they think it is 'icky'. This book is something that does not teach you to read better, something that has a breathtaking storyline, or something that changes your life in some way. This book is just fluff; crap.

6. The final book is a biography. This book is all about the Montreal Canadiens; a hockey team. That along makes Hundred Years of Glory a terrible book. The Montreal Canadiens are disgusting and so their biography about their 'Hundred Years of Glory' would be as well. A great book though would be about the amazing and beautiful team that is the Toronto Maple Leafs. This final book is eaten only because a friend of mine. You know who you are : P.



The 25 things I love to write about

People love writing about one thing more than anything else. Any guess as to what that thing is? It is themselves! We as a whole love writing about us and letting everyone know who we are and what we are about! So in reality every single one of the things I love to write about is a key part of who and what I am. So let's get started shall we?

1. I love love love love looooveeeee writing about fantasy because you get to create your own world where ANYTHING can happen.
2. I love writing about history. This is strange but it is sooo interesting in the sense that you get to describe all of the battles and societal struggles that happened and even have your own take on the matter.
3. I love writing about friendship because it is the thing, next to family, that keeps us from falling apart time and time again.
4. I love writing about criminals because their plans are so intricate and almost, if not really, perfect
5. Going hand in hand with the previous point, I love writing about serial killers and murderers because they are geniuses for the most part. They just crossed the border from genius to insanity.
6. I love writing about nature because nature is just tossed aside as unimportant and terrible nowadays. This is in the sense that whenever you hear about nature on the prime time news it is about the natural disasters and whenever nature activists are on the news it is because they did something such as prevent a building from going up or have broken the law in some way.
7. I love writing about political issues because these arguments are never ending and are so important to our success as a civilization.
8. I love writing about my philosophies because philosophies are what make us think. What is the meaning of life? Is there life after death? These questions are ones that cross almost every human being's mind at some point in their life.
9. I love writing about fictional disasters in the sense of an action movie such as one that you would see in Die Hard.
10. I love writing about someone that eminates me because that helps me grow and realize what I really am like according to the situation.
11. I love writing about random thoughts because when you just write down your thoughts as they come to your head you end up having the strangest and most enlightening conversation you would ever have.
12. I love writing about space because it is so infinite that anything can happen there and there are so many theories about it that the thinking never ends.
13. I love writing about school because there are tons of issues that can occur such as break-ups, prom, and big games.
14. I love writing about work because people do the strangest things at work and people also have lost their minds because of it (going postal).
15. I love writing about books I have read because you find things out about the book you never would have found out without writing about it first.
16. I love writing about music because every song have a ton of different interpretations and can have such a huge impact on the world.
17. I love writing about the capitalist structure that we have here because it is filled with corruption and conspiracy theories.
18. I love writing about video games, not because they are an entertainment but because I love analysing them as to why the developers did what they did.
19. I love writing about the change in technology because it has been making us lazier and lazier as the years have gone on.
20. I love writing about the new generations that are coming along because they have changed so much. For example most people drink by the time they are 11-12 now from my experience with children while in my generation it is 14-15.
21. I love writing about change in style because that eminates the mood of the world at the time. For example right now a lot of people are dressing in the scene style and gangster style because the world is going through a hard time and people do not see that changing for a while to come.
22. I love writing like a journal because it makes you think about how much of a useful day you have spent instead of doing things such as talking on MSN all day.
23. I love writing about other writers because they are going through the same decisions I am attempting to make and their choices define them as a person.
24. I love writing about disasters that happen around the world because they shape what happens next. Such as the current issue of Haiti.
25. I love writing about celebrities because they are always in the spot light and in so they have the most interesting conspiracy theories about them.

I know you are wondering; how can you love to write about all these things? Well, the answer is that I just love writing.



The Beginning

Hey, my name is Dave and this is a blog about anything. Seriously! It's a place where I come to talk about issues that I find interesting (and hopefully you too!), write little blurbs about life, and maybe even a story or two (fictional of course).

I'm a tall, lanky, blond hair, blue eyed Polish kid from Canada. I love to live life to the fullest (not by getting drunk every weekend though>.>) and make sure everyone around me is as positive and bright (in the sense of happiness; I'm not a narcissistic person!) as I am. I love to read anything good but I have the preferred genre of Fantasy. I love to read so much that it has inspired me to create my own novel. I am currently writing a Fantasy based book myself and hope to have it published within the next year or two. Since I know you may ask, I may post some of the beginning chapters on this blog. I'm also very interested in movies as well as popular video games but this is not to say I have no life whatsoever. I also love playing volleyball, baseball and (with my friends) football. I also work as a lifeguard and in so accomplish a ton of swimming. I am someone who would, when given the choice, rather go outside with a friend along a trail than stay inside talking on MSN with a friend as to how much of a loser Billy is. Music is a huge part of my life. It is in the fact that whenever I do my homework, go on a walk by myself, am doing anything in my house by myself, or read in my room I am always listening to music. One last little blurb about me (I know you'll want to know more;) ) is that friends are #1 to me because they provide so much support and understanding towards any situation you get yourself stuck in.

Hopefully you will like this blog as much as I like writing it but only time will tell.
