
From the End to the Beginning

Yet another blog post to do with my Writer's Craft course and our writings in class. In two posts I will post the prologue to my book even though it does need some editing. For now let me satisfy your reading pleasures with this story.

Let's go back to the start. Although looking back, it seems like the end...
My father had just died, my mother was in a coma from shock, my house was under reconciliation and my husband was divorcing me. I was in such a depression I forgot to hire a lawyer for my court case and so I faced my former husband's ruthless lawyer on my own.
I lost nearly everything, but the one thing that I truly cared about. This one thing was my son. Jacob was my little star and so he managed to make me smile even under the current circumstances. I loved him to pieces but since he was only four I think he loved me as much as he did his little toy wrench.
One day as we went down to the grocery store to get food I was throwing the food in a basket to throw out my frustration. For some strange reason Jacob noticed this and said, "Mommy, let's search for cookies like detectives!"
I smiled and said, "Alright my dear little Watson let's look for clues!"
As we finished up I grabbed my depression pills and headed to the checkout. We took the city bus to our crusty apartment building up to Rm 143. I took a look at the lock and realized it was already open. I opened the door and saw an odd old man staring out the window. "May I help you?" I asked him, not with fear but with sheer curiousity.
He looked back at me and said, "Mrs. Jennings, I know you have gone through a lot in the past month but believe me, it is not as bad as it seems." I wondered what he was saying and apparently that was obvious because he continued on saying, "I was a friend of your father's and I promised him that if anything should happen to him I would look after his family."
I was electrified with so much happiness that I began to cry. Jacob tugged on my pant leggings and I became much more alert. "Are you serious? Or is this just some cruel joke?"
He laughed a heartily laugh that someone who is anything but bad could use, "My dear lady," he stated, "this is no scandal! I am moving you and your darling little son into my mansion and I have hired the best doctors to tend to your dearest mother. Don't worry, everything will be all right."
This was the beginning of the not so bitter end. Jacob continued to make me smile until the end of my days, my mother made a full recovery and lived until she turned 93 with my loving step-father, the old and wonderful man who took care of us. I officially loved life again. Clearly you'd feel the same had you been there at the beginning of the end

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